MIWenergía will be part of the ACCEPT project

It will provide technical support to the pilot test of the project to be carried out in Murcia, in order to improve energy efficiency and increase the economic benefits in the energy community, as well as to test the set of solutions proposed during the project.


ACCEPT Objectives: Towards the Energy Community

Renewable energies are the main option for achieving the objective of decarbonization of the energy system. Even so, the integration of renewable energies into the grid still presents a great challenge to match their production (non-deterministic) with the real demand for electricity (deterministic). To this end, it is essential to increase their penetration in our energy system, making it necessary to increase their efficiency.

This is the premise with which the European project European project ACCEPTMaximizing the efficiency of renewable energies by means of a series of instruments, measures and technologies to ensure that this energy can be harnessed and remains within the energy community that generated it. The project aims to create pilot tests with energy communities in the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and Greece, directly involving more than 750 residences and some 3,000 citizens.

To achieve this, ACCEPT aims to frame citizen participation and business modeling activities with the same level of technical development priority, offering energy communities:

  • A support composed of digital technologies and other tools needed by the participating members of these energy communities to take advantage of the energy generated.
  • Obtain access to sources of income through participation in the electricity market that can financially support its operations and guarantee the duration and proper functioning of the energy community.

Its implementation will be the decisive factor in measuring the success of the project, generating the solution provided by ACCEPT as a Minimum Viable Product capable of being competitive in the market, and ensuring its financial viability.


The energy community in the Spanish pilot test

The Spanish pilot will be composed of 50 residences, members of the energy cooperative La Solar, which will participate in demand management programs thanks to the solution implemented in the ACCEPT project. ACCEPTfifteen of them as energy prosumers taking advantage of their self-consumption photovoltaic installation. Certain candidate buildings of this energy community meet the requirements of the project, and will therefore be used as a platform for testing and validation of the solution. ACCEPT.

The buildings available for this sample range from 10-story blocks of apartments to detached buildings with an average floor space of 100m2 and average annual household consumptions of approximately 3.5 MWh. Given the latest updates in the Spanish Spanish regulatory framework and the potential for local renewable production, the concepts to be used in this self-consumption project will be investigated independently at the building and community level.


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