MIWenergía Smart Devices installation begins for the DRIMPAC project


The Murcian company is facing the final phase of the European DRIMPACproject, in which smart consumption and performance measurement devices will be installed in homes and office buildings as part of the Spanish pilot test. The DRIMPAC project aims to measure the capacity to readapt consumption habits towards energy flexibility by offering two-way communication between electricity market distributors and marketers, and the end user.

The project is currently in its twenty-ninth month of development with pilot tests in Spain, Germany, France and Cyprus. During this phase of the project, all the devices and measures developed during the previous stages of the project will be installed and tested.

will be developed in 55 homes in the Joven Futura residential area in the city of Murcia, and in two office buildings, the Parque Científico de Murcia, under the auspices of the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, and in the Magalia Business Center located in the Polígono Industrial Oeste de Alcantarilla, Murcia.


Installation carried out in one of the pilot homes of the European DRIMPAC project.




Type of Technology Installed in the Project


The set of Smart Devices to be installed in the pilot test depends on the type of building and its specific characteristics.

Instantaneous Consumption Meters

These meters allow the reading of consumption and performance data in real time, making it possible, through Big Data, to anticipate recurring consumption and optimize the energy use made by each user of the spaces in their home or office.

Smart Plugs

These are smart plugs, specially designed to control appliances and domestic appliances with high relative consumption, such as water heaters, radiators or other small heating appliances.

Smart Lighting

These intelligent lighting systems make it possible to regulate the lighting level, change or adapt the color of the light and optimize the consumption and level of luminosity in the different spaces of the office or home.

Smart Climate Controller

It provides integral control of the different air conditioning systems in the building, and offers measurable data to allow the user to optimize their consumption according to their temperature needs.


This multisensor device is designed to measure the humidity of the rooms, their temperature, their lighting levels and presence; by collecting this data, it allows to know the range of the user's comfort parameters and to adapt it to the optimal energy consumption levels.


Towards the energy prosumer


This project brings the reality of the "Energy Prosumer" closer and closer, in which end users become active participants in the energy market. With the data obtained from their own consumption, they can identify consumption peaks and improve their habits, benefiting economically and energetically, and taking control of their energy consumption.


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