We celebrate the III Meeting of the GrEnFIn Project

3rd GrEnFIn meeting


On June 15 and 16, the third meeting of the GrEnFIn Project was held telematically due to the situation of COVID-19.

Three main topics were discussed during the first day. First, a summary was made of the first summer course, held the previous week, with great success of participation among the students enrolled. Subsequently, the topic of the future curriculum of the Master in Green Energy and Finance was discussed. Master's Degree in Green Energy and Finance which will train the future leaders of the green economy. In addition, work was done on the development of a program that includes the mobility of students between universities participating in the project. Finally, the quality and evaluation criteria to be followed during the development of the project were reviewed in order to achieve excellence in its results.

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On the second day, the foundations of the future professional module were laid, and the report of the first six months of the project was reviewed. project where the activities carried out and the effort made by each project partner are recorded. Finally, the work to be carried out over the next six months was planned, as well as the elaboration of the most immediate tasks to be completed during the summer.

The conclusions were very positive, since the initial plan is being fulfilled despite the problems derived from COVID-19, making palpable the great harmony within the consortium to continue advancing in the development of the Master that will train the heroes of sustainable energy. The next meeting will take place after the summer and will probably also be held telematically.

[/vc_column][vc_column width=’1/2′]Energy Community Meeting[/vc_column][/vc_row]


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